Partnership Firm Registration in Chennai

Solubilis extends Partnership Firm Registration in Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Cochin, and nationwide. A Partnership Firm, governed by Section 4 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, involves two to twenty individuals pooling capital, sharing profits and losses. The partnership is formalized through a "Partnership Deed." It can be registered or unregistered, providing flexibility. Solubilis offers expert guidance in crafting a robust partnership structure tailored to your business needs. Simplify your online partnership firm registration process with our comprehensive services, ensuring a seamless and compliant business journey.

The difference between registered and unregistered partnership firm:

A partnership becomes a registered partnership firm when its partnership deed is registered with the state government's registrar of firms.
This involves complying with procedural formalities, including filing returns. Unregistered partnership firms face distinct tax treatments under the Income Tax Act.
Simplify your online partnership firm registration process with Solubilis for expert guidance and seamless compliance.

Partnership firm registration in Chennai
  • Under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, partnership firms are governed by these key points:
  • A minimum of two and a maximum of 20 persons are required to form a partnership firm in Chennai.
  • Partners share profits or losses as agreed upon in the partnership agreement.
  • Partnership is established through a registered agreement filed with the registrar.
  • Managing partners handle daily affairs, while others may be termed "silent partners."
  • Partners bear unlimited liability in the firm that has Partnership firm registration in Chennai.
  • Partners are considered agents of the partnership firm.
  • Transfer of capital requires unanimous consent from all partners.

Solubilis ensures seamless Online Partnership Firm Registration in Chennai and compliance.

Consider a group of friends embarking on a business venture for a year or two. Opting for a registered partnership firm through Solubilis ensures a smooth initial phase. We assist in forming both registered and unregistered partnerships, designed for easy conversion into a private or public limited company later.

Our services cover various legislations for different business structures, including partnership deed registration, PAN/TAN/GST/IE Code/Professional tax registration, Shop Establishment Act compliance, and more. From professional tax and PF to ESI registration, we cater to your diverse needs, ensuring a hassle-free transition for your business. Trust Solubilis for expert guidance and comprehensive business registration services.

For Partnership Firm Registration in Chennai, provide the following details:

  • Firm Name:
  • Capital to be invested:
  • Mail ID and Contact No:
  • Business Activity:
  • Address of office:

Details of partners

  • Copy of PAN of partner
  • Copy of aadhar of partner.
  • For Online Partnership firm registration in Chennai, email ID and Contact No of Partners are necessary.

Proof of office

  • Rental Agreement Copy (if rented)
  • Copy of Electricity Bill for the Premises

Solubilis offers expert guidance throughout the partnership firm registration in Chennai.


A registered partnership firm is one where the partnership deed is officially recorded with the state government's registrar of firms, fulfilling all procedural requirements and filing necessary returns. Conversely, an unregistered partnership doesn't undergo this registration process. Solubilis ensures a seamless process for both registered and unregistered partnerships, guiding you through the legal formalities.

The registration process duration varies, typically taking 15-20 days for a partnership firm. This duration includes steps like name approval, drafting the partnership deed, applying for PAN, filing the registration application, submitting required documents, and obtaining the registration certificate from the registrar. Solubilis ensures a swift and hassle-free registration experience.

Capital, the initial sum in cash or kind, kick-starts a business and is contributed by partners. Equal contributions aren't mandatory; it depends on mutual agreements. Solubilis assists in structuring capital contributions to align with partnership agreements, ensuring a smooth business commencement.

Partners in a firm must be adults, mentally sound, and not legally disqualified from contract participation.

A minor, enjoying partnership benefits, can choose partnership within six months of adulthood. Issuing a public notice expressing acceptance or rejection is required. In the absence of notice, it's presumed the minor becomes a partner.

A Certificate of Partnership is a crucial legal document filed with the state government for limited partnership registration. Requirements vary by state, and it's advisable to consult your State Department for specific information on your state's regulations.

A Partnership at Will is formed when a partnership deed doesn't specify a duration or dissolution method.

A partner can transfer their business interest to an outsider only with the unanimous consent of all partners, ensuring transparency and mutual agreement in the partnership.

A partnership firm cannot be a partner in another firm as it lacks legal personhood. However, individual partners within the firm may participate in other partnerships in their personal capacity.

The Partnership Act allows non-citizens to join an Indian partnership firm, provided they obtain the necessary clearances and permissions from the relevant authorities.

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