How to check for company name availability in Chennai?

In this blog we are going to confer on the query How to check for company name availability in Chennai- along with ideas for choosing name.

How to check for company name availability in Chennai? The name of your organization or brand characterizes the personality of your organization and in addition to your business tasks. Playing out an organization name check must be by a wide margin one of the main strides for the organization fuse strategy. Settling on a decent novel name which characterizes your image suitably is one of the extraordinary showcasing devices you can use to sell your items and administration. At the point when a financial specialist heads towards beginning a company before going ahead towards different strides for joining the company, the money manager needs to pick a remarkable company. As the name of the company is the personality of the company and with that name just it will be known to the world during and after its lifetime.

There are a few principles gave under the Rules [Chapter II The Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014] rule 8 and 8A which ought to be remembered while choosing/picking the name of the company:-

To consolidate the company with the name which is now existing/saved by just adding the words like Pvt, OPC, LLP, corp or utilizing the plural adaptation of the current/held name won’t make our name exceptional or unique and the office will raise the inquiry in regards to its take after too almost with the name of a current company. To check company name availability in chennai, click here.

List of Undesirable names

Following are the names which are viewed as Undesirable names

  1. In the event that it is prohibited under arrangements of section 3 of the Emblems and Names (Prevention and Improper Use) Act, 1950 (12 of 1950),
  2. In the event that the brand name is enrolled with the proposed name in a similar class wherein the company will work with the.
  3. Assuming the name incorporates a word that is rude to some specific segment of the general public.
  4. In the event that the name is indistinguishable or nearly coordinates with the current company name.
  5. On the off chance that the company object is financing and so forth and the proposed name isn’t mirroring something very similar.
  6. The company’s name incorporates financing and so forth word yet the company’s article isn’t connected with financing action.
  7. The proposed name is coordinating with the famous or well-known abridged portrayal of a current company.
  8. Company name is coordinating with the company enlisted external India.
  9. In the event that the name is characteristic of the development of some different sort of business constitution eg:- Society, HUF, and so forth.
  10. Assuming that the name incorporates a word like British India.
  11. Assuming the name demonstrates a relationship with the international safe haven or unfamiliar government.
  12. The name reflects interface with a few public legend or a few notable individuals standing firm on significant footings in the Government.
  13. Name coordinating with the disintegrated company and 2 years has not yet finished to the disintegration.
  14. Name coordinating with the strike-off LLP and 5 years has not yet finished to this process.
  15. The name incorporates a bank, protection, stock trade, must be permitted assuming the command necessities are satisfied with their administrative.
  16. The name incorporates the “State” word isn’t permitted with the exception of government company.
  17. Utilization of state, city, landmass, country.
  18. Utilization of illustrative names which shows the movement of the company Example, Paper Printing Private limited.
  19. The name incorporates the name of an outside country.
  20. In the event that the name of Section 8 doesn’t contains Foundation, Forum, Association, Federation, Chambers, Confederation, Council, Electoral Trust and such, and so forth
  21. In the event that Nidhi company do exclude “Nidhi Limited”.
  22. For certain words, focal government endorsement is required like commission, board, country, Prime Minister, and so forth.

Company name search India

Actually, take a look at Company Name Availability Online for Free

Company name search device assists with looking out available company names in India, Our name search office permits you to MCA check name accommodation against 2,000,000 enrolled company names in activity in India.

Step by step instructions to check in the event that a company is enlisted

With the web and elective in vogue kinds of correspondence, it’s simpler and minimal expense for any activity to look authentic. this recommends that we might want to deal with who we work with. Fortunately, the web likewise permits us to rapidly check whether a specific business has been enlisted, who its proprietors are, square measure, and, if fundamental, you’ll have the option to moreover pay a little charge to get the ROC filings of the element.

Things being what they are, be that as it may, would you say you are ready? All you might want to attempt to do is head over to the Ministry of Company Affairs site. On this site, you’ll have the option to check assuming that a chose company exists underneath a forename and have a look at the expert data.

The Master data can tell you once the corporate was consolidated, what amount of capital it’s settled up, and who the directors are and when they were designated. you’ll have the option to attempt this for any Indian company. Here, for instance, is information for ANI Technologies Private Limited, or, as far as you might be concerned, OLA.

  • The most effective method to check a company is enlisted or not
  • The Ministry of Company Affairs (MCA) runs a focal power entryway containing information of the multitude of associations/companies enrolled in India. To know more about private limited company registration in chennai, click here.

Ideas for choosing the remarkable name of the company:-

A blend of proposed director’s names makes an exceptional name.

Utilization of expressions of the local language.

A blend of 2-3 names brings about an exceptional name.

Looking through exceptional names ideas on Google.

However, filling of the name of the company is absolutely an online process, an expert can help you better in this cycle and they are specialists in remembering every one of the elements and guide you in the right manner.

Criteria of name search


The proposed name for your company won’t be acknowledged whether it looks similar to an all-around existing company name. A considerable lot of these eliteness models are abstract, and that implies it relies on the assessment of the official dealing with the application. Comparable sounding names, for instance, Flipkart (seeming like the renowned online based Aggregator Flipkart) probably won’t be supported.

Authorized capital

Companies are permitted to incorporate specific expressions like Hindustan, International, Bharat, Globe relying on the approved capital of the company. These expressions can be remembered for the name of the company on the off chance that the approved capital of the company surpasses Rs. 5 lakh. Click here to know more on minimum requirement for registering a private limited company.