Debentures and convertible debentures

Raising of funds by issue of debentures or bonds is also a source of long-term capital for a company like share capital. Persons who subscribed to the shares of a company are its owners while debenture holders are its creditors. Shares and debentures are however, securities and the provisions of the companies act 1956 regulate their issue and protect the […]

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Trade and Merchandise Marks act 1958

Given in the section hold good unless the context otherwise requires. Where the context shows an intention repugnant to the meaning given in the definition, the context must prevail. Otherwise the meanings given in the section must govern even though they may not trade, in any case, be identical with that given to the expression in its ordinary or legal […]

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Effect of trademark registration parts

The effect of trademark registration parts may consists various points that consult on the proprietor rights of the trademark.   Policy and Object The object of the legislature was to relieve traders from the necessity of disclaiming and I think it follows from this, that the condition is one for the imposition of which some goods reason ought to be […]

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Fiduciary duties of directors in private limited company

Every private limited company is required to follow the statutory provisions contained in the companies act. The articles of association in relation to increase of capital, issue and allotment of shares and transfer of shares. Here we can see about fiduciary duties of directors in a private limited company. Issue of further shares Although section 81 of the companies act, […]

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What is Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

The central government introduced the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Bill, 2006 in the Rajya Sabha on the 15th December, 2006. The parliamentary standing committee on Finance had examined the bill and made several recommendations and accordingly the government introduced a fresh bill during October 2008 and the bill has been passed by parliament and is assented to by the president […]

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