Company registration procedure

Company Registration Procedure The company registration procedure is given below: In case of public limited company : 1. Select in order of choices, as some eligible company names each of which would present as the important object of the suggested company. 2. Avoid names which are related to the names or  resemble too closely of any other company already registered. 3. […]

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The Private company privileges (which is not a subsidiary of any public company)

The private company privileges details are given below. The companies act 1956 grants several exemptions and concessions to private companies as compared to public companies. Briefly, these are : Private company privileges (i) two or more persons may form a private limited company whereas in the case of public limited company a minimum of 7 persons is required [Section 12 […]

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Convert private company into a public company

The public company has the following procedures prescribed in the act for convert private limited company for their status. Similarly, a public limited company can convert itself into a private limited company. Convert Private Limited Company into Public Limited Company A company which is initially incorporated as a private limited company. The company can change its status into that of […]

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