What are the impact of patent registration?

Solubilis provides best services of patent registration in Chennai and patent registration in Coimbatore over a decade with team of experts.

Modern world is set apart by Globalization and Liberalization. Thus economic reforms have been presented by numerous nations like India which needs to rival different nations on the planet market. However Patent registration in India was not an individual from Paris convention, but rather having consented to the TRIPS agreement, India is currently obliged to perceive and execute the agreement […]

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Barcode Registration Procedure

What is Bar coding? The bar code is a set of parallel vertical lines like bars and spaces is learned by bar code scanners. The barcode become exclusive and global and can be identified all over the world. The Barcoding is a universal view today. It helps particular device description over using universal symbols and numbering system, it supports quality […]

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Trademark Registration Process

A trademark is registered as combined with any other marks with the registrar shall sign in the register in relation with the earlier related trademark. The registration numbers of the marks with which it is joined and note in the office in relation with any of the identified trademark registration number of the first mentioned mark as being a trademark […]

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