Where to apply for Logo Registration in Chennai | Brand Registration

In this blog, we are going to confer on the query Where to apply for Logo Registration in Chennai and Brand Registration in chennai.

A Logo registration in Chennai can be described as a unique identity that sets your product or service apart from others. The combination of logo, image, symbol, word, tone, scent and color or graphics can be unique. Many businesses usually try to register either a logo or a name. The only way to protect yourself as a unique identity is […]

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Trademark Objection Reply | Trademark Opposition Process in Chennai

Trademark Objection Reply | Trademark Opposition Process in Chennai

The trademark opposition process in chennai  is a crucial process. A trademark can be defined as a unique identity that sets your product or service apart from the rest. Unique identities or expressions can be logos, photographs, slogans, words, sounds, smells, colour combinations or graphics. Most of the business usually looks for logos or name registrations. If you come up […]

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Why trademark registration is essential in IPR ? (Online TM)

A trademark registration can be described as visual representation of the word, label, device or numeric characters which are used to differentiate the business from the other business. Whether it may be goods or services the business should have the differentiation among the other business. The trademark acts as an exclusive asset for the business. It is useful for a […]

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This Is Why Trademark Registration Is So Famous!

A trademark or TM Registration usually represents to a “brand” or “logo”. Trademark registration in Chennai is also available for trade name, distinctive catch phrases, taglines or titles. Properly used and promoted, a trademark can become the most inevitable asset of a business. Trademarks such as Coca-Cola indicate quality along with the source of the goods. Under the Trademark Act, […]

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Trademark registration in Chennai- Brand protection & Logo Registration

Trademark registration procedure after assignment or transmission

Trademark registration in Chennai- Brand protection & Logo Registration. Trademark can be an unpredictable liable to see, even to get anything reserved may appear to be excessively perplexing yet it isn’t so. Anybody can apply for trademark it isn’t required that an individual must be a trademark legal advisor for applying for a trademark. In any event, enlisting your trademark […]

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