Company Registration in Chennai

Barcode Registration Procedure

What is Bar coding? The bar code is a set of parallel vertical lines like bars and spaces is learned…

9 years ago

Trademark Registration Process

A trademark is registered as combined with any other marks with the registrar shall sign in the register in relation…

9 years ago

The One Person Company Registration (OPC)

The One Person Company (OPC) has been suggested through the Companies Act 2013. The One Person Company brings a ideal…

9 years ago

What Is Digital Signature Certificate

The Digital Signature Certificate is like a normal written signature it creates the name of the trader filing the certificate…

9 years ago

Partnership Firm Registration

Firm Registration The registration of a firm is particular under the Income tax act under the partnership Act 1932. A…

9 years ago

Public Limited Company Registration

Private Company and Public Company The companies Act 1956 rules become a private limited company differs from public limited company…

9 years ago

Section 25 Company Registration

Section 25 Registration The section 25 company registration is tested for the comfort of the government an company to be…

9 years ago

The Company Registration and the Relationship of Directors

Company Registration of Directors The directors stand in fiduciary relationship with the company registration services and they are the trustees…

9 years ago

Trademark Registration Classification of Goods and Services

Trademark Registration A trademark means a mark capable of being represented graphically and which is able the property or services…

9 years ago

Private Limited Company Registration of Prospective Company

Private Limited Company Registration Name of the Prospective Company The private limited company registration promoters may choose any suitable name…

9 years ago